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Jul 26th, 2016 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

What Does It Take to Make the Problem Go Away?

If you have heard me speak or work with me, you know that I adamantly ask the question: “What does it take to make the problem go away?”

I believe it’s one of the best questions to ask yourself and of your solution: I typically use this framing for social entrepreneurs (as I fundamentally believe that the problems we see in our world today need solving, not just getting a “little bit better”).

But this framing is bigger than just impact-driven entrepreneurs.

Regardless what the problem is you are solving — be it bringing clean drinking water to populations in rural India or creating a SaaS solution for the beverage industry: When you can make your customers’ problem go away, you are golden.

Ask yourself two simple questions:

What is the problem you are aiming to solve? And what does it take to make that problem go away? Not just make it a bit better. Make it go away.

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