This and next week I’m at the Unreasonable Institute in Boulder, Colorado, working with this year’s fellows on their businesses. Today the fellows will present at the Unreasonable Launchpad, a massive pitch event Unreasonable puts on.
As you can imagine: Emotions are running high and the fellows are feverishly practicing their pitches. Whilst working with the fellows on their pitches, their delivery and stage presence, a couple of things came up again and again — and chances are they also show up in your pitches as well:
“When pitching — be truly authentic. And share your authenticity with your audience. That’s how you win!”
- Drop the “will/should/could”: When you describe the future you create, don’t say: “We will create x” or “We should be able to do y” or “We could solve z”. Be confident and claim your stake — you are creating x and you are able to do y and you are solving z.
- Never end your pitch/speech with “Thank you”. It’s a habit which a lot of us have (yours truly included) — and it weakens your pitch. End with a short, strong, concise statement and let this statement hang in the air. It’s so much more powerful!
- Most importantly: Be authentic. Truly authentic. And share your authenticity with your audience. Don’t try to be someone else, don’t emulate the delivery of someone else, don’t think you need to do things a certain way. We want YOU. The authentic you — with all the little quirks which make you unique. Just trust yourself and be you — you will be fine.
With that: Good luck to all the Unreasonable fellows for tonight and to all of you, my fellow Heretics, for all the pitches you will do in your careers!