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Jun 14th, 2023 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Things That Make You Go Hmmm…

The other day a client of ours gifted me a Theragun Mini – a small, portable massage gun. I don’t think my client expected me to be quite as enthusiastic about the present as I was – see, I have a big Theragun, which I love (it works wonders on my sore muscles after a long workout). The Mini is not only a smaller and thus packable version – it also feels really nice in your hand, works just flawlessly, and is a joy to use overall.

In essence, it puts a smile on my face.

How many possessions do you have which put a genuine smile on your face? How many service interactions did you experience which left you grinning from ear to ear and full of gratitude?

I bet you, not many.

Have you ever seen the original Macintosh boot up? Instead of a wall of cryptic text, logging the inner workings of the computer as it boots, scrolling by, to then launch into a blinking cursor with a blank “C:>”, the Macintosh showed you a little icon with a stylized Mac and a big, friendly smile.

Why don’t more people put a smile on our faces? And maybe more importantly, why don’t more people even try to get you to smile with their products and services?

It is a massive missed opportunity. One you, my friend, can take on.

Make me smile. It’s good for business.

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