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Jun 1st, 2021 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Things You Can Learn From a Horse

In one of my favorite illustrated books “The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse” you will find the following dialog between the boy and the horse:

“We have such a long way to go.” sighed the boy. “Yes, but look how far we’ve come.” said the horse.

It is the perfect reminder, especially coming off a long (Memorial Day) weekend here in the US, to pause, reflect and appreciate the journey.

Many (most? all?) of us have a tendency to keep our eyes fixated on the goal, continuously looking into the future, and plan ahead. Which is all fine and well — but can also be draining and outright demoralizing when you realize that the road ahead of you is a long (and likely stony) one.

Do yourself, and those you love and/or work with, a favor and pause from time to time to reflect how far you have already come. Regardless if you are nearing the end of the particular journey you are on or if you just start out — I guarantee you there is much to appreciate, celebrate and cherish.

Listen to the horse my friend.

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