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Sep 13th, 2021 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

The One Thing

I finally got around reading “The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller — and yes, the irony is not lost on me that it took me quite a while to make the book “the one thing”… 😆

That being said, it is a quick and good read. I don’t think you will learn much new here, but the opening question is a good one to ponder over — especially as it is Monday morning when I write these lines:

“What’s the one thing you can do this week such that by doing it, everything else would be easier or unnecessary?”

A good reminder that we all (I surely am) putting too many things on our plate. Too many things which don’t really matter, nor are they moving the needle forward — but they suck up your time.

So… What is your one thing today, this week, this month?

I have started to apply this idea to pretty much everything I do. It’s also a great question to ask your mentors, guides, coaches. Last week, I asked my mountaineering guide and mentor this question: What is the one thing I have to do, to become a better climber? Without hesitation, he responded: Spend time in the gym bouldering as it will make you stronger and give you better technique. So, that’s what I am doing now.

One thing. That’s all you get and all you need. Make it count, my friend!

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