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The Heretic is a free dispatch delivering insights into what it takes to lead into & in the unknown. For entrepreneurs, corporate irritants and change makers. Raw, unfiltered and opinionated.

be radical.

Mar 12th, 2020 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

This Too Shall Pass

Heretics — it has been a little while since our last dispatch. We have been insanely busy building be radical — including the launch of a revamped version of our radical Briefing (for which you should sign up here; the radical Briefing is a monthly easy-to-read email digest on the future of business — covering ‘radical’ news, research, lessons, people, and ideas).

And then COVID-19 happened.

Much has been written about the virus, its spread and impact on lives, communities and businesses. I won’t pile on this already humongous stack of information and misinformation. Let me just offer some word of encouragement.

Our business is, as many of your businesses, affected. And even if your business is not directly affected, the likelihood that you are affect up or downstream is extremely high. The other day I spoke with a startup CEO here in Silicon Valley who is in the midst of raising his Series A financing and every single investor meeting either got canceled or moved. Meanwhile he needs to keep the lights on and make payroll.

It is hard. There is no way around.

As someone who has lived both through the first Dot-Com crash as well as the 2008/2009 financial crisis — the one thing I know is that it will get better eventually. This too shall pass. And you are not alone. Let’s be kind and in support to each other, hunker down, GyShiDo and, most of all, make sure we and our loved ones (and everyone else) is safe and healthy.

We are here for you. 🤗

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