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Jul 20th, 2017 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Small enough to own. Big enough to matter.

Last weekend at Singularity University’s Global Solutions Program we ran an Unconference where we had both our participants as well as a group of guests present topics they are passionate and knowledgeable about.

In one of the standout sessions Wes Kao, class of GSP 17, led the group through her learnings and insights in “marketing for non-marketeers.” One key takeaway from the session for me was the reinforcement of the mantra: “Small enough to own. Big enough to matter.”

In my opinion it’s one of the most important pieces of advice you can adhere to (it’s also what Peter Thiel describes in his book “Zero to One”):

In a world which is saturated with products and services, where it is easier than ever before to create yet another widget, it is of paramount importance to find a niche which you can dominate and which is, at the same time, big enough to sustain you.

I see too many companies go for too big a market initially, just to flame out without ever reaching critical mass. Or they shoot for too small a niche which doesn’t allow them to sustain themselves.

Which market/positioning can you own and is yet big enough to matter?

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