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Apr 27th, 2017 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Do What’s Really Important

Yesterday I spoke with a dear friend of mine. He faces an interesting conundrum: On one hand his career is taking off, things are going well for him and momentum is building. On the other hand he has the unique opportunity to travel the world for the next couple of years, explore, lose himself in the moment and enjoy life.

What to do? What would you do if you were in his shoes?

It’s a tough choice. Career or travel? Travel after you had your career? Will you ever travel if you choose your career (the formidable rabbit hole of being successful)? Or might travel be even good for your career?

The comment I made — and something I consider more and more when I make my choices these days (ever since this happened) — is finding the answer to a different question:

When you look back at the decision from your deathbed — how would you decide?

A lot of decisions seem to be important, relevant and impactful in the moment but loose their relevance once looked at from the long and wide perspective of your whole life.

Chose what matters in the long run.

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