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Feb 3rd, 2016 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

On Work And Love

We all love what we are doing. Or at the very least, we know that we should love what we’re doing (if we are serious about it). It’s that passion which drives us forward; which allows us to push through boundaries and get over obstacles.

I know from countless interactions with fellow entrepreneurs; from observing founders interact with each other and their customers; from hearing, seeing and reading their stories, that we all share this trait.

The love for what we are doing is what separates us from those who merely do “a job”.

And as with every love in life — it can be painful, lead us into the wrong direction, and hurt us.

Whenever you question why you are doing what you’re doing, listen to the wise words of Kahlil Gibran:

“Work is love made visible. The goal is not to live forever; the goal is to create something that will.”

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