Ask any entrepreneur (particularly here in Silicon Valley) how they are doing and they will smile and give you an enthusiastic “Great!”.
I get it. We need to be always “on”. There are no problems — only opportunities. We are always selling. Everything is great. The sun always shines and it never rains.
That’s bullshit.
Being an entrepreneur is incredibly hard. You need to overcome obstacles which seem insurmountable. You face setback after setback. The stress is brutal.
And you know why you are doing what you are doing — because it is the damn best thing you ever did; it is your calling.
Cut the bullshit from time to time. Find some friends you trust and can be vulnerable with. Allow yourself to say that things are hard. That you are overwhelmed. That you don’t feel all that great.
We need to do this. It’s important for our wellbeing. It’s important — important to do the work, we are meant to do.