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The Heretic is a free dispatch delivering insights into what it takes to lead into & in the unknown. For entrepreneurs, corporate irritants and change makers. Raw, unfiltered and opinionated.

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Dec 26th, 2015 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

The Mission

Before I get into today’s topic — let me first wish you all very happy holidays!

I hope you took some time off, spent it with your family and friends and made (or are about to make) some space to reflect.

This is precisely what I did. And something interesting kept bubbling up:

As I think about the amazing opportunities and potential challenges which lie ahead in 2016 for both me personally as well as my job and my projects, I keep coming back to a mantra I heard years and years ago for the first time. When I was in the Air Force, it was drilled into our heads and hearts that we must drop our egos and put the mission first:

The focus must always be on how to best accomplish the mission.

We all let our ego get in the way from time to time. Oftentimes it’s unwittingly and with the best intentions. And typically it ultimately leads to less than ideal outcomes.

As you’re going into the new year — drop your ego and focus on how to best accomplish the mission. I, for one, will make this part of my mantras for next year.

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