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The Heretic is a free dispatch delivering insights into what it takes to lead into & in the unknown. For entrepreneurs, corporate irritants and change makers. Raw, unfiltered and opinionated.

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Jun 18th, 2015 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short

Gretchen Rubin once penned the now often cited sentence:

The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short.

The last couple of weeks have been incredibly busy for me. I’m currently wearing three hats at work alone — not counting all the other stuff I do (two non-profits, a couple of board seats, a lot of mentoring, writing this dispatch, running… and most importantly spending time with my family). When I get home in the evening I am shattered. And still add another couple of hours of work before submitting myself to another fairly restless night.

The Days Are Long.

The scary piece of that experience — which by the way, for the most part, I truly love — is that I can’t comprehend that it’s nearly July already…

The Years Are Short.

Remember the story of the two lumberjacks? You have to stop from time to time to sharpen your axe. Even if you’re madly in love with what you do (as am I) you have to allow yourself to rest, appreciate the long way you have come, acknowledge the windy road ahead and slow down time to a halt.

The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short.

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