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Nov 17th, 2014 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

True Passion

You know immediately when someone has true passion for what they are doing. When they go through hell and high water to bring their product or service to market. When there is nothing stopping them. These are the entrepreneurs changing the world.

The first time I met the founders of CASH Music, a non-profit which I am now proudly a board member of, I knew that they had what it takes: They truly and honestly want to make the world better for musicians. They forgo big paychecks, lucrative job opportunities and life in the spotlight for bringing open source tools to market, which allow musicians to become masters of their own destiny. They relentlessly educate the world about issues independent musicians face; when we all seem content with paying our $9.99 to Spotify and calling it a day.

Or take the incredible entrepreneurs Jane and I had the great fortune of working with this weekend at the Girl Effect Accelerator. Women and men who are, through their respective companies, changing the world for adolescent girls living on less than two dollars a day.

Regardless of what youโ€™re working on โ€” it better be for a reason which makes you passionate. As there is nothing as persuasive, appealing and powerful than an entrepreneur on a mission. And those are the people we want to help, back and work with.

(*) And as CASH Music is not only a non-profit organization but do completely and utterly amazing work: Please donate a few bucks to them! This month every donation will be matched by Mailchimp (the amazing people who also make this newsletter possible). Maggie and Jesse deserve it. Every single dollar.

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