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Jul 26th, 2014 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Mentor Others

As many of you know — I am very passionate about mentoring. Having a good mentoring session is an incredibly rich experience; you not only learn something new every single time, but also learn a lot about yourself.

A good mentor (or even better: a network of mentors) often makes the difference between a good and a great entrepreneur. Mentors provide perspective, experience, challenge your thinking, dare you to think and act big, bring their own network to the table. They are your trusted coach and advisor and as every athlete relies on his coaches, so should you rely on your mentors.

And there is a whole other side to the story: Mentoring (i.e. you are the mentor) is at least an equally rewarding experience. Every time I mentor someone I learn something new — not only factual knowledge but also something about myself. It makes me a better manager, a better leader and a better person overall. It’s an incredibly rich and rewarding experience.

Which brings me to my point: Go out and mentor someone. Pay it forward. Even if you think you’re too young, too inexperienced — that you don’t have anything to give quite yet… Trust me — there is always someone just one (or a few steps) behind you, who will learn an incredible amount from you.

Mentor someone else and I can guarantee you that you will find the experience not only rewarding and gratifying but also enriching and deeply insightful.

Go, mentor someone and pay it forward!

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