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Jul 30th, 2014 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Brace For Impact

We all hate to make mistakes. And even more so — we all hate the consequence of making mistakes: Failure.

In the cultural context I was brought up in (yay for Germany!) failure is something to avoid, perfection something to strive for. We created a fear of failure — to the extend that people rather not engage in an activity (entrepreneurship for example) than risk to fail. Failure becomes stigma.

And then there is the Truth (with a capital “T”). Without failure nothing would have ever been invented. No progress would have been made. Failure is the bread and butter of innovation. What you see and often remember is the tip of the iceberg — the successes. But just like an iceberg shows only one-tenth of its size above water, 90% of the actual work being done is failure.

With that in mind: Accept failure as a natural part of what you do. Understand that you will fail more often than you will succeed. Much more often. And that without failure no progress is ever been made.

So my friends: Fail. Fail often. Pick yourself up and fail again. As this is the only path to success.

Brace for impact!

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