Last spring I met Eliot Peper at a coffee shop in Mountain View. Over some steaming craft-roasted cappuccinos we mind-melded over creativity, entrepreneurship, and our mutual love of books. Eliot had just released his first novel, Uncommon Stock: Version 1.0, which came out in March from FG Press. I instantly fell in love with the story because it’s a startup thriller that follows the adventures of a pair of founders who embark on the path to build a new company and get caught up in a major conspiracy. A page-turner about entrepreneurs filled with sex, murder, and venture capital? A story for Heretics, indeed.
So Eliot, FG Press, and I put our heads together. Wouldn’t it be fun to share the book with folks who would really dig it? As you know, I love hooking you up with VIP access to all the best advice and stories I come across in my own entrepreneurial adventures. Hence this experiment: A Heretical Holiday Gift.
Download your personal digital copy of Uncommon Stock: Version 1.0 in a variety of formats (EPUB/MOBI/PDF) along with instructions for loading it onto ereaders (Kindle/iPad/Nook/etc.).
Read it. Enjoy it. Let Eliot know what you think in an Amazon review. Oh, and keep your eye out for the sequel, Uncommon Stock: Power Play, which launches on December 3rd.
Happy holidays!