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Sep 13th, 2013 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

When Good Enough is Good Enough

Do you remember point-and-shoot cameras? I don’t blame you if you don’t — they were a pretty hot item until fairly recently. The industry made bucket loads of money with them and now… they are nearly gone. Sales have dropped dramatically, camera manufacturers who don’t have a high-end (DSLR-based) offering are scrambling.

They were essentially replaced by cellphone cameras. Not because cellphone cameras are actually better (they are not — they have tiny lenses, tiny sensors and often shitty glass) but because they are good enough and you have them with you all the time (plus it’s “one less item to carry” and you get all those fun filter apps such as Instagram on your phone).

The point? Often good enough is good enough. And properties you might care about as the creator of something (big sensor, large and quick lens) is not what your customer values (in this case: convenience and fun over all the stuff camera makers might care about).

Another reason why you should listen to and build for your customer.

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