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The Heretic is a free dispatch delivering insights into what it takes to lead into & in the unknown. For entrepreneurs, corporate irritants and change makers. Raw, unfiltered and opinionated.

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Oct 22nd, 2013 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

The Right Stuff

Every entrepreneur starts out with three things. These three things are the essence of every entrepreneur. Understanding, appreciating, cultivating and leveraging these three things make or break an entrepreneur.

Every entrepreneur begins with three categories of means:

  1. Who they are — their traits, tastes and abilities.
  2. What they know — their education, training, expertise and experience.
  3. Whom they know — their social and professional network.

Everything the entrepreneur creates is based on these means.

This is the right stuff.

Ask yourself: Who are you? What do you know? Whom do you know? Now — what can you create with this?

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