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Mar 26th, 2013 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Needs and Wants

Recently I found myself in the midst of a discussion about “how do you find the right job?”. A friend (and former boss) of mine came up with the following model:

Find your personal answer to the following two questions:

  • What do you need in a job?
  • What do you want in a job?

The first question covers the basics — you might have certain needs in terms of financial security, health care or flexibility in your working hours. The second question centers around your desires. The stuff which excites you. The things you want to do — even if nobody would pay you to do them.

Looking at these two questions through the lens of someone starting out in her career and someone who is well along the path provides an interesting insight: Your needs are (presumably) much less when you’re young and fresh out of college. Your wants are most likely less well formed and broader (simply because the corporate world hasn’t had the chance to screw you up).

Which means: If you have even the slightest yarning to start something — Do it now. Don’t wait. The longer you wait the harder it will get.

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