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The Heretic is a free dispatch delivering insights into what it takes to lead into & in the unknown. For entrepreneurs, corporate irritants and change makers. Raw, unfiltered and opinionated.

be radical.

Mar 11th, 2013 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Make It Count

This is the 100th edition of The Heretic. I am shocked. And surprised. And a bit proud of myself. When I started this newsletter I had no plan other than write something semi-interesting every couple of days.

Turns out — it’s a hell a lot of fun. It helps me think about things I care about. It’s amazing to get feedback from the people on the list (it’s a nice and exclusive list of a few hundred people).

Here are the two main things The Heretic taught me:

Make It Count
When you start something, regardless how small and seemingly meaningless, treat it with respect. You never know what it will turn into and how big or important it might become. Not that The Heretic does change anything — but people seem to like it and find my ramblings at least entertaining.

Do Something Every Day
The sheer act of getting in front of a text editor and forcing myself to write something of at least moderate substance every day changed the way I think about things. I find myself scribbling down notes and ideas throughout the day; I catch myself identifying themes for The Heretic in discussions I have with entrepreneurs, VCs and other people in the industry. The routine changed the way I think and analyze my daily surroundings.

With that being said: The biggest THANK YOU goes out to you. Thank you for subscribing, reading and responding to my ramblings. You make The Heretic what it is.

P.S. How about a new regular column “Ask The Heretic”? Have any question you want to see me talk about? Send me an email. :)

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