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Jul 28th, 2013 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Letting off steam

As an entrepreneur you are pretty much under fire the whole time. There is always a crisis to deal with, some disaster to avoid, a deal about to be closed, a personal relationship to be saved (or not)… It’s a complete emotional roller coaster.

In my earlier career this wrecked complete havoc with my emotional state. I was emotionally as stable as a psychopath. Truly. And it surely is not something I am proud of.

Over the years I have learned that I need a steam vent — I need a way to let off that pent-up emotional energy without hurting someone. For me I found this in running. Running allows me to spend time with myself, focus on what’s important and when I am particularly wound up run myself into the ground (and to physical exhaustion).

Today I encourage every entrepreneur I work with to find his own “steam valve”. It’s important. You need a place and activity which allows you to say F*** YOU to the world and just let all the emotions out. It does wonders for you and the people around you.

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