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The Heretic is a free dispatch delivering insights into what it takes to lead into & in the unknown. For entrepreneurs, corporate irritants and change makers. Raw, unfiltered and opinionated.

be radical.

Jul 7th, 2013 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn


Nope. Not Steve. The one which Merriam Webster defines as “a regular remunerative position”.

It’s tragic that we (as entrepreneurs) don’t seem to talk about nor take pride in the jobs we create.

With an economy which is in most countries stuttering at best and millions upon millions of people without a job we seem to miss the point that we and our enterprises are part of a larger community. Some of us act like all that counts is making the most money in the shortest amount of time. We celebrate the thirteen people at Instagram who sold their company to Facebook for one billion dollars. I mean — good on them; but what good did they do for the community they are part of?

You see — entrepreneurship is a long-term game. You leave an imprint on this planet, on your community, on the people you touch (directly or indirectly).

Ask yourself (at least once in a while): Which legacy do you want to leave?

People start to notice. They buy from companies they trust to care about more than just profits. They support businesses they believe in. They cheer on the ones which do good in their communities. They do everything to make sure that those businesses don’t fail.

Plus it’s so much more fun to do something which has meaning. :)

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