A lot of people (partially me included) obsess about tools. We spend hours finding the perfect todo list management software; we noodle around for days on end to get our setup just right; we discuss at length which CRM system to use and spend weeks trying all the possible solutions out.
All in the misguided believe that the right tool will magically make us so much more productive, so much more creative and so much better.
And yet — this is all wrong. Instead of spending any time at all on these things, we should focus on the core of our business. Instead of re-organizing our todo list for the n-th time we should better meet our customer to learn about their problems. Instead of hiding from the real work, the work which is scary (as we can fail and embarrass ourselves), we should do what we are suppose to do: Build our business.
All the tools in the world are meaningless without an essential idea.