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Mar 21st, 2013 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Don’t just not be an asshole

For the longest time now I follow and encourage others to follow the most basic rule of human interaction: Don’t be an asshole. It even made it into the GyShiDo manifesto.

This morning, over coffee, I thought about this when it hit me: I love connecting people. Seeing what happens when you bring amazing people together is just beautiful. My passion for connecting people even led me to advise a startup ( which is changing the way we make introductions and gives powerful tools to connectors like me.

I realized this morning that I make significantly more connections for only a handful of people (and receive tons and tons of introductions from them in return). The thing all these people have in common: They are not only not assholes — they are completely amazing, lovingly, empathetic human beings. They are the people I would go through a fire for.

Which brings me to my point: At the bare minimum don’t be an asshole. And strive to truly care about other people. You will not only feel good about yourself but will be rewarded handsomely in so many ways.

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