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Jan 24th, 2013 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Don’t follow the trend

Following a trend is most often a losing proposition (especially when we are talking about trends from the viewpoint of an investor). The moment you identify something as a “trend” it’s most likely too late for you to jump on and benefit from it. What happens is that you end up delivering mediocrity in a saturated market which is already chasing the next big thing.

Remember when everyone called photo startups “hot”. Well, that is gone. Social gaming? Done. The list goes on and on.

The current trend is enterprise. I have heard that one before by the way — it comes in cycles. Now — if you decide to do something in the enterprise market, I can pretty much guarantee you that you will be too late.

What is one to do with this then? Easy — build something which you believe in. Build something which makes a difference in the lives of your customers. Focus on your product and not some artificial external factors.

Advertising maven George Lois (the original Mad Man) once answered the question “What do you think the trends in advertising will be in the coming year?” with “Beats the shit out of me. I’ll know it when I do it.”

A new direction is the only direction.

Make this your motto and you’ll do better work. I promise.

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