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Apr 16th, 2013 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn


Today I just don’t feel like writing about startups.

I have a hard time putting this into words…

As many of you know I am an avid runner. I’ve raced in many places all around the world. I have the privilege of calling some of the most accomplished long distance runners in the country my friends. Some of my fondest memories are connected to running. The most vivid ones are always the ones where you cross the finish line, after an all-out effort, and you see your loved ones cheering you on. The race crew handing you a bottle of water and congratulating you on your effort. A volunteer hanging a medal around your neck.

Two years ago at the Startup Week (now Pioneers Festival) in Vienna I stood on stage and talked about how running relates to entrepreneurship and what I learned from it. It is still one of the most meaningful talks I gave.

My heart goes out to everyone who ran Boston yesterday. Everyone who helps make Boston the premier running event in the world. And everyone who cheers us runners on.

All I want to do today is go for a run.

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