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Jul 17th, 2013 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

Be ready for what you wish for

Entrepreneurs dream and think big. They talk with confident voices. Everything is “now”, “yes” and “go”.

And yet — all too often I find that those same move-the-earth-and-the-stars can-do-all superhero entrepreneurs having a hard time handling what comes their way. They ask for introductions and don’t follow up once they are made. An investor tells them to send him their financial plan after a meeting and they fail to oblige. Customers receive promises for features which never materialize.

There exists a weird meme that as an entrepreneur you can and have to be super-human.

You are not.

Your day has the same amount of hours as everyone else’s day. Your energy might be higher than average but it also has its limits.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Be cognizant of your limitations and commitments and only bite off as much as you can chew. People will respect you more for under-promising and over-delivering than the other way around.

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