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Sep 25th, 2013 Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn

A Random Note On Failure

A little while ago one of our fellow tribespeople pointed something fun out to me: Go to your favorite dictionary and search for “founder”.

From the Apple dictionary:

founder |ˈfoundər| verb [ no obj. ]
- (of a ship) fill with water and sink: six drowned when the yacht foundered off the Florida coast.
- (of a plan or undertaking) fail or break down, typically as a result of a particular problem or setback: the talks foundered on the issue of reform.
- (of a hoofed animal, esp. a horse or pony) succumb to laminitis.

If you ever had a question about the role of failure in the world of startups, entrepreneurship and founders — now you know. And if you need a little reminder: here’s my deck titled “I HEART FAILURE” which I spoke to at a conference to my fellow German entrepreneurs-in-the-making. :)

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